Honduran cigars
Honduras is a republic in Central America, popular for its cigar exports. The Honduras Tobacco industry advanced after the Cuban Revolution in the 1960’s. In this period, the Cuban tobacco experts made Honduras their new home and brought a wealth of knowledge regarding the tobacco industry.
The soil and climate is an ideal environment for tobacco plants, cigars made here are very high quality, with a distinct taste and aroma, making the cigars a popular choice among cigar smokers.
Honduran cigars are typically heavy and full bodied, usually being stronger than Dominican or Nicaraguan cigars, but there is also a large range of milder Honduran cigars.
Some popular Honduran cigars include La Invicta, Cao and Don Ramos, Cao Italia Novella and Caribbean Corona.
The soil and climate is an ideal environment for tobacco plants, cigars made here are very high quality, with a distinct taste and aroma, making the cigars a popular choice among cigar smokers.
Honduran cigars are typically heavy and full bodied, usually being stronger than Dominican or Nicaraguan cigars, but there is also a large range of milder Honduran cigars.
Some popular Honduran cigars include La Invicta, Cao and Don Ramos, Cao Italia Novella and Caribbean Corona.